Some people get outside and exercise as much as possible when the weather is nice. But, when the temperatures start to dip into the 50s and possibly below, warm-weather birds tend to take refuge. Often, that means they start heading to the gym. Even if you’re just applying for a gym membership for the first time, it’s important to know a few tips to ensure you stay safe and don’t wind up needing a Bessemer, AL, chiropractor. Here are some tips:

1. Know How to Use Each Piece of Equipment Properly

If this is your first time using the gym’s equipment, all the different options can seem overwhelming. Some of them look like something from a sci-fi flick. While you can walk over and just start using any way that seems correct, this can contribute to an injury. Your best bet is to know how to use the equipment before you begin. 

If the equipment doesn’t have any instructions posted on it, ask a personal trainer or gym manager how to use the equipment. Never attempt to use it without knowing the proper technique. 

2. Know Your Limits 

Yes, everyone will take notice of you at the gym if you max out on each piece of equipment. This can stress your body. It can also lead to an injury if you’re pushing yourself beyond your limits. There’s no shame in starting with a low weight and building up gradually. In fact, it’s the smart way to exercise because you’re not risking an injury.  

3. Listen to Your Body 

The nerves send messages to your brain when your body is overly stressed. Pain is essentially your body’s warning light, and you need to listen to it. If you’re experiencing pain, back off from what you’re doing. Decrease the amount of weight you’re lifting. Change to a different exercise. Or, perhaps it’s time to take a break or call it a wrap for the day. 

While you’ve probably heard the expression “No pain, no gain,” it’s not necessarily true. Although pushing yourself a little is beneficial and a little pain is a sign of a good workout, you don’t have to be sore afterward. It’s possible to get a good workout and not be in excruciating pain. This is especially the case if you consume a proper diet and receive adequate hydration. 

4. Last Year’s Best Might Not Be This Year’s

Keep in mind that last year’s best may not be your best starting out the season. That’s okay. You have time to keep working on it. Don’t get discouraged if you have some building up to do. You’ll get there. Just take it slow and keep on working until you get where you want to be. 

5. Longer Isn’t Always Better 

A longer workout isn’t necessarily the best. You can have a short workout and still receive the benefits of exercise. 

Let’s put this into perspective. If you say you want to work out for one to two hours four days per week, you have to clear this time out of your schedule, whether it’s around work, children, etc. You probably don’t have that kind of time every week. That’ll lead to you bailing on your workout more often. Instead, try shorter workouts, maybe half an hour to an hour per session, to ensure they fit into your life. 

Not only that, if you overdo it with exercise, you may need more time to recover in between workouts. As a result, you’re missing out on valuable time in the gym.

6. See a Chiropractor

A Chiropractor isn’t just for an injury, though we can help if you sustain a sports-related injury. Chiropractic care can also be beneficial to keep your body in shape so you can make the most out of every workout.

We can help with building strength, function, and flexion, which can help you perform better and be less at risk of an injury. 

If you’re getting back into the gym this fall and winter, contact Premier Chiropractic Center, serving Bessemer, AL, and the nearby region. We can help you perform better and lessen your chances of an injury. And, while we hope it doesn’t happen, we can even help you recover after an injury.

Contact our chiropractor today by dialing 205-519-4024. We also make it easy for you to contact us if you can’t be on the phone right now. Use our online tool to book an appointment or send us a message.