If you hunch over your phone for extended periods, sit at a desk all day, or engage in other activities that change your posture, you’re putting additional stress on your back. Ultimately, you put pressure on your soft tissue, which will cause pain. It could even cause damage over time. Premier Chiropractic Center, serving Bessemer, AL, and the general vicinity, emphasizes the importance of good posture. Fortunately, it’s not difficult to achieve.

Focus on Alignment When Sitting

It’s easy to slouch when you sit, especially for prolonged periods. However, you should work on sitting with your body completely upright with your feet on the floor. Your shoulders and hips should be in alignment with one another. By doing so, you’ll distribute your weight evenly, so no area receives additional pressure. 

Don’t Sit for Long Periods

When you sit for a long period, you’re more likely to start slouching. 

Make sure you take breaks regularly to get up and stretch. If possible, go for a walk or at least stand up to give your lower back a break.  

If you have no choice but to sit for long periods, try moving closer to the edge of your seat at times instead of relying on the chair’s back. 

Use an Ergonomic Office Chair 

Whether at home or work, use an ergonomic chair, which is one specifically designed for the contour of your body. It provides support where you need it. They’re also adjustable. 

If you have a chair that isn’t ergonomic, use back supports. You may even roll a towel or position a small pillow behind your back. 

Consider Your Posture While Driving

When you drive, it’s possible that your posture might not be ideal. 

While you still need to focus on the road, make sure you consider your posture, especially if you have a job where you’re behind the wheel frequently or for long periods. 

You may benefit from placing some type of lumbar support behind you as you drive. 

Be Aware of Your Posture

You might not know that you walk with your shoulders raised most of the time. Take note of it. 

Spend time for a few weeks consciously forcing yourself to walk with better posture. Keep your shoulders down and slightly back. Your chin should be up and eyes straight forward. Eventually, it’ll start to become a habit and something you do subconsciously. 

Stay Active

You should get regular exercise. Whether it’s walking, swimming, jogging, or biking, stay active. You’ll strengthen your soft tissue and make it less vulnerable to damage when you keep moving. 

Consider getting an exercise ball, which helps with balance and building your core muscles. You’ll also have to focus on your posture, especially when you first begin this exercise. 

Reduce Your Stress

Many experts suggest a link between our emotions and our shoulders. Particularly, shoulders are known to express your stress. For instance, you may frequently sit with your shoulders raised if you’re tense. 

Take steps to decrease your stress by eating right, exercising regularly, and taking time for yourself. You’ll notice you don’t sit with your shoulders raised as much when you begin to manage your stress better.  

See a Bessemer Chiropractor 

As an expert in spinal health, a Bessemer chiropractor can help you take steps to improve your posture, such as through guided exercises. 

Posture affects your spine’s overall health. Unfortunately, you could develop bad posture throughout your life and experience frequent pain as a result. Fortunately though, you can take steps to change that. 

If you have poor posture, contact Premier Chiropractic Center, serving Bessemer, AL, and the surrounding region, today for assistance. Call us at 205-519-4924, or use our online booking tool