For many new parents, colic is a challenging and exhausting experience. The constant crying of an infant can leave parents feeling helpless and searching for solutions. While there are various approaches to managing colic, you might be surprised to hear that chiropractic care might help. So, what does this involve? What should you know? Let’s take a closer look!

What is Colic? Why Does It Happen?

Colic is typically defined as excessive crying in an otherwise healthy baby, often occurring in the late afternoon or evening. It usually begins around 2-3 weeks of age and can last until the baby is 3-4 months old. While the exact cause of colic is unknown, it’s thought to be related to digestive discomfort, nervous system immaturity, or overstimulation.

How Chiropractic Care May Help

Chiropractic care for infants is very different from adult treatments. It involves extremely gentle manipulations and is tailored specifically for a baby’s delicate body. Here’s how your Bessemer chiropractor might help:

Addressing Spinal Misalignments

Chiropractors believe that the birth process, especially if it involves interventions like forceps or vacuum extraction, can cause minor misalignments in a baby’s spine or cranial bones. These misalignments might irritate the nervous system, potentially contributing to colic symptoms. Gentle chiropractic adjustments aim to correct these misalignments, potentially reducing irritation and discomfort.

Improving Nervous System Function

The nervous system plays a crucial role in digestion and overall body function. Chiropractic care focuses on optimizing nervous system function, which may help improve digestion and reduce colic symptoms.

Reducing Tension

The physical stress of birth can sometimes leave babies with tension in their bodies. Gentle chiropractic techniques may help release this tension, potentially leading to a calmer, more comfortable baby.

Supporting Digestive Health

Some chiropractors believe that gentle manipulations can help improve digestive function in infants. This could potentially alleviate gas and bloating, which are often associated with colic.

Is It Safe?

When performed by a licensed and experienced pediatric chiropractor, chiropractic care for infants is generally considered safe. However, as with any treatment, there are always potential risks. It’s crucial to choose a chiropractor who has specific training and experience in treating infants.

Consider Chiropractic Care as Part of a Holistic Approach

While it’s not a magic cure, many parents find chiropractic care helpful as part of a comprehensive approach to managing colic. So, if you’re struggling with a colicky baby and are interested in exploring chiropractic care, the Premier Chiropractic Center is here for you. Book your appointment today!