The amount of time most people spend hunched over their phones is flabbergasting. For instance, a majority of cell phone users look at their phones over 60 times per day. Moreover, the typical American spends around 5.4 hours on their phone each day. It’s no wonder that people are experiencing text neck so frequently. Premier Chiropractic, serving Bessemer, AL, and the nearby region, sees patients with text necks and knows how to help alleviate that pain in patients and prevent it in the future.  


About Text Neck 

Text neck isn’t a technical name for any condition. It’s a generalized term that earned its name since people will stress the nerves and soft tissue in their necks when looking down at their phone texting. Specifically, it’s an acute, repetitive stress injury.


Symptoms of Text Neck 

You might notice you have pain, soreness, or achiness in your neck as you stress your soft issue. In some cases, you might have a stabbing sensation or intense pain when you suffer from text neck. You may have tightness in your neck and won’t be able to move it as much as you once could. For some people, the symptoms of this issue extend into your shoulders or upper back.

In some cases, you might have recurring headaches when you sit staring at your phone for prolonged periods. Although eyestrain isn’t directly from the text neck, it can simultaneously occur with this condition. 


Chronic Problems Associated With Text Neck 

While you can experience symptoms here and there when you use your phone for prolonged periods or too often, repeatedly engaging in this habit can do long-term damage to your neck. 

Balance difficulties could occur when you have your head leaning forward too often. This position changes your head’s center of gravity. Ultimately, this can trigger muscle imbalances. 

Another issue that could occur is cervical radiculopathy, which causes numbness, tingling, weakness, or pain in your neck. It could extend to your arm, hand, or shoulder. In most cases, it begins when you have osteoarthritis or degenerative disc disease. Text neck tends to worsen these problems or cause them to progress. 

You could also develop jaw pain if you have a misalignment in your neck. It may trigger muscle imbalances and eventually contribute to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. 

Diagnosing and Treating Text Neck 

First and foremost, your Bessemer chiropractor will discuss your medical history. Additionally, your practitioner will discuss your lifestyle habits, such as how much exercise you receive and how much time you spend on your phone. 

Part of the process will also include a physical examination to evaluate your posture and determine any areas you have tenderness, weakness, or inflammation. 

If your chiropractor suspects text neck, that may be enough to diagnose the problem. However, your practitioner may advise you to undergo imaging to rule out other causes of your symptoms. 

Your chiropractor might recommend you undergo routine chiropractic adjustments or spinal decompression. Treatment could also include chiropractor-guided exercises and lifestyle advice. In addition, your chiropractic care may consist of at-home physical activities. 

Text neck might not sound like anything serious. However, this issue is more serious than you may realize, especially since it can cause long-term problems. Fortunately, chiropractic care can help eliminate your pain and reduce the prevalence of issues in the future. 

Book an appointment with Premier Chiropractic, serving Bessemer, AL, and the general vicinity, if you have symptoms of text neck and would like relief. Call us at 205-519-4024, or use our online form