When you have muscle aches and pains, you want a solution that’ll relieve the discomfort. As you compare your options, you’ll find that standard medical care may include a pain reliever to manage your symptoms. However, this treatment only addresses the pain and won’t help with the healing process. Therefore, you may turn to chiropractic care, such as that from Premier Chiropractic Center, serving Bessemer, AL, and the nearby region.  

Before you schedule an appointment, though, you may have questions. We devised a list of the most commonly asked questions to help you decide if chiropractic care is right for you. 

1. Is Chiropractic Care Safe?

After extensive studies, it’s been noted that chiropractic care is safe for most patients. In fact, when you visit our chiropractor in Bessemer, you’ll undergo an extensive evaluation first. Our practitioner will review your medical history and assess your condition. Moreover, if necessary, our chiropractor will order imaging to determine the cause of your pain and other symptoms.

After carefully evaluating you, our chiropractor will decide whether chiropractic care is safe for you. Additionally, our practitioner will ensure you receive only treatments that are safe for your condition. Sometimes, the treatment is altered for your specific needs. 

We should mention that chiropractic care is known to cause few side effects. You don’t have to take any medications. Plus, treatments are non-invasive and don’t require any downtime. Therefore, patients may undergo chiropractic treatments in Bessemer and immediately resume normal activities after. 

2. Can You Use Chiropractic Care as a Complementary Treatment?

Absolutely, you can still see a medical doctor for your condition and receive chiropractic care simultaneously. Our treatments can further benefit you and help you heal. Since we use no medications, our treatments aren’t known to interact with other treatments. 

3. How Often Should You See a Chiropractor?

Every patient is different, so there’s no definitive answer to this question. Some patients benefit from a treatment each week for a few weeks, while patients with chronic conditions will reap the most benefit with continuous weekly treatments. 

Our practitioner will evaluate your medical history and condition and determine the ideal schedule specifically for you. 

4. Will Insurance Cover a Chiropractic Appointment?

Whether insurance covers your visit or not depends on your particular insurance provider. Fortunately, more and more insurance providers cover chiropractic care, at least partially, than ever before. 

If you have any questions about whether your insurance provider will cover chiropractic care, you may contact your insurer. You may also ask us. We’ll gladly oblige and contact your provider and determine if chiropractic care is covered, to what extent, and which treatments it covers. 

5. Do You Require a Referral to See a Chiropractor?

You don’t need a referral to see a chiropractor, in particular, if you’re paying out of pocket. However, if you’re paying with insurance, you’ll want to contact your provider first. Your insurance may require you to have a referral from a medical doctor first. 

6. Is Chiropractic Care Safe for Pregnant Women?

Chiropractic care is typically safe for a pregnant woman. The treatment plan may need to be adjusted based on how far along you are. 

7. Is Chiropractic Care Safe for Children?

Chiropractic care is safe for children. There aren’t any risks regarding chiropractic adjustments or other treatment performed on children. Just like with adults, our chiropractor will take your child’s specific needs and health concerns into consideration when developing a treatment plan. 

Chiropractic care is a safe treatment for people of all ages, even pregnant women. You can help manage your pain or other musculoskeletal problems. Moreover, insurance may even cover a portion of your care. 

If chiropractic care in Bessemer, AL, sounds like a treatment for you, contact Premier Chiropractic Center today by calling us at 205-519-4024. You may also use our online booking tool.