FAQs About Sciatica

Did you know that sciatica isn’t a condition? It’s a term that describes a group of symptoms that occur when you have damage or compression on your sciatica nerve. Don’t let the fact that it’s not a condition fool you. Sciatica symptoms can greatly impact your life. 

At Premier Chiropractic Center, serving Bessemer, AL, and the surrounding region, we’d like to take a moment to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about sciatica and let you know we’re here to help manage sciatica and even possibly prevent it.   

1. What Causes Sciatica? 

In a majority of cases, sciatica stems from a herniated disc or bone spur placing pressure on the vertebrae. 

Although it’s not as common, you could develop sciatica from a tumor or diabetic nerve damage. 

2. What Are Sciatica Symptoms?

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in your body. It begins in your lower back and extends throughout your hips and buttocks. Then, it travels down each leg. You could experience any of the following sciatica symptoms along the nerve path:

  • Burning 
  • Pain 
  • Tingling
  • Numbness
  • Muscle weakness

Sciatica tends to affect one side of your body at a time. 

3. Who Is Most at Risk for Sciatica?

Your risk increases as you age because your spine changes, making you more at risk for bone spurs and herniated discs. 

You’re also more prone to sciatica if you’re obese. The excess weight places pressure on your spine and causes spinal changes that contribute to sciatica. 

Additionally, you may be more at risk of sciatica if you have a job that involves lifting heavy loads, twisting your back, or sitting for prolonged periods. 

Diabetes elevates your risk of nerve damage, which makes you more prone to sciatica symptoms. 

You could also experience sciatica if you’re pregnant. During the first trimester, the hormones can lead to the symptoms. In the last trimester, the unborn baby may press on the nerve. 

4. Can Sciatica Be Permanent? 

In most cases, sciatica isn’t permanent. You’ll recover from the underlying condition, which will then improve your sciatica. 

However, it’s possible to have permanent damage to the sciatic nerve from a condition like diabetes.

5. Can You Prevent Sciatica?

In some cases, sciatica isn’t preventable. However, you can take steps to improve the health and condition of your spine to reduce your likelihood. For instance, you should get as close to a healthy body mass index (BMI) as possible and maintain that weight. You’ll have less pressure on your sciatica nerve. 

Additionally, you should eat right and exercise regularly. Not only will this positively affect your BMI, but you’ll also reduce your risk of diabetes. 

You should also practice better posture. When you slouch, you’re placing unnecessary pressure on your sciatica nerve. 

When you lift an item, make sure you lift with your legs and not your back. 

Make sure you remain active as much as possible. Sitting for prolonged periods increases your risk of sciatica. 

6. How Can a Chiropractor Help?

A chiropractor in Bessemer can improve the condition of your spine and educate you on habits for better overall spinal health. Ultimately, this care can help reduce your risk of sciatica or a herniated disc and other issues that contribute to sciatica. 

If you already have sciatica, a Bessemer chiropractor may provide treatment to help you recover from the underlying condition while reducing your pain and discomfort in the meantime. Plus, your practitioner will do it all naturally. 

Some possible chiropractic care techniques for sciatica include:

Whether the numbness is bothering you while you work or the pain is interfering with your sleep, a Bessemer chiropractor may help. With non-addictive and non-invasive approaches, your chiropractor will manage your sciatica symptoms and assist in the recovery process. Prevention through chiropractic care is also possible.   

If you’re suffering from sciatica or would like to prevent it in the future, contact Premier Chiropractic Center in Bessemer, AL. We offer a variety of treatments and firmly believe that spinal health is key in overall health. Call today at 205-519-4024, or use our online booking tool.