New experiences can be intimidating to your child. For instance, your little one may feel nervous about going to a physician in general. 

If you’ve recently scheduled an appointment with Premier Chiropractic Center, serving Bessemer, AL, and the nearby region, for your child, know how to prepare your kid with these helpful tips. 


Know what to Expect

Firstly, you should know what to expect during your child’s first chiropractic visit to Premier Chiropractic Center. 

At your child’s first appointment, which is a consultation, the chiropractor in Bessemer will ask you to complete a medical background report on your child. The questionnaire will ask questions about any allergies or known medical conditions your kid has. 

Next, the practitioner will conduct a physical examination on your child and identify the problem and its cause. The chiropractor will assess whether the musculoskeletal issue is affecting the child’s mobility. The examination allows the chiropractor to get a firsthand glimpse at the severity of any pain as well as what worsens it and how it affects your kid’s range of motion. 

In some cases, a Bessemer chiropractor may recommend a child receive imaging, such as an X-ray, so the practitioner can get a look inside and identify any problems. 


Answer Any Questions 

Once you schedule an appointment, talk to your child. Ask if he or she has any questions. Then, answer those inquiries to the best of your ability. If you’re unsure, you may need to do some research. We have an extensive blog and are available via phone or email to answer any questions. 


Let Them Know About Pain 

The possibility of pain from a treatment or diagnostic process can trigger fear in a child. Fortunately, chiropractic care doesn’t tend to cause pain. If your child does experience pain, it’s mild and only temporary. 

Make sure you let your child know that this process won’t cause pain and can benefit his or her sleep, improve brain support, and boost immune function, among some other benefits. 


Ask Them to Play Chiropractor With You 

Imaginary play is beneficial for a child’s social and emotional development, as well as various other benefits. It can also help a child feel comfortable when they must face new challenges. 

Before the appointment, have your kid play chiropractor with you. Initially, you should be the chiropractor and perform exercises or a fake alignment, so your child can gain perspective about a chiropractic visit. 

Once you show your child what will happen, let him or her have an opportunity to be the chiropractor. 

You could also play pretend and perform chiropractic care on a stuffed animal or doll. One of you can be the office manager, and the other one can be the chiropractor. 



Try to Arrive Early

While we understand you’re busy, we urge our pediatric patients and their families to arrive at the office early. Your child will have a bit of time to look around the office and see how it’s not a scary place, ultimately making the appointment go much smoother. 


Remain Positive 

Kids repeat and emulate your behavior. If you make the appointment seem negative in any way, your child will put that in his or her mind. They’ll use your attitude to judge the visit before they arrive. Therefore if you’re negative, they’ll have a negative attitude. 


Bring Toys 

If your child has a favorite doll or stuffed animal, let him or her bring the toy. He or she will feel calm and reassured with this toy. It also could help your child if you bring a few games or toys for him or her. These games can help your child stay busy when you’re in the waiting room. 


Eat First and Get a Good Night Sleep

Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep or naps before the appointment. Additionally, you should make sure your child eats before the appointment. It may even help to bring a snack and drink to the appointment. 

Premier Chiropractic Center in Bessemer, AL, offers pediatric patients specialized chiropractic care safe and beneficial for them. However, we understand a child may be nervous and want to help you help your child prepare. We do our best to make your child feel comfortable and safe from the start of the appointment until the end and with this along with your reassurance, your child will see going to the chiropractor as a positive.  

Contact us today for an appointment if you feel your kid could benefit from pediatric chiropractic care by calling 205-519-4024. You may also use our online contact form.