Ticks are most active from April until September, though they can be out even during the cooler months. And with the warm climate of Bessemer, we often see them more active earlier anyways. Unfortunately, these parasites can pass disease. In fact, the most common disease caused by ticks in the area is Lyme disease. For some individuals, this condition can be chronic. While prevention is ideal, if you have chronic Lyme disease, our Bessemer, AL, chiropractor at Premier Chiropractic Center can assist. 


Common Symptoms of Chronic Lyme 

When you initially contract Lyme, it may go undiagnosed because you won’t have symptoms or they’ll mimic the flu. Once you go without treatment, particularly if you’re older, the infection can become chronic. If this happens, you may develop chronic fatigue. Chronic Lyme can also lead to joint inflammation and pain. It may also lead to Lyme arthritis, which will cause you pain, stiffness, and possibly a limited range of motion. For many patients, the pain is in their knees primarily. 


How Our Bessemer Chiropractor Can Help 

While Lyme is a difficult disease to diagnose and it’s surrounded by misconceptions, what is certain is that a chiropractor can help you better manage your symptoms.


Joint Problem Management 

For one, our treatments center around improving the function and flexion of your joints. Through exercise therapy, our practitioner can ensure you maintain as much of your joint function as possible and potentially even slow the progression. In addition, we can offer treatments to manage your pain. We can provide you with lifestyle advice to ease your pain and discomfort.


Fatigue Relief 

Our practitioner may also provide you with spinal alignments that can help you better manage your fatigue. Some patients notice a difference in their energy levels immediately following an adjustment. For others, it takes a few alignments before they discover the difference. And some people feel more fatigued immediately following an adjustment, but this is temporary, and they may feel more energized hours or days later. 

Adjustments also help with fatigue because they assist you in getting a better night’s sleep, so you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day, even if you have fatigue from your Lyme disease. 

Our chiropractor may also help improve your posture. While this doesn’t directly relate to Lyme, poor posture can lead to an increase in tiredness. Gravity is always a force acting on your body. With proper posture, your body works with gravity, and you remain in the proper position. You can then sit or continue being in motion effortlessly. However, when you’re slouching, your body is fighting gravity at all times. Therefore, you’ll be more tired at the end of the day just fighting against this force. 


Immune Support 

Studies have shown a direct relationship between chiropractic care and immune system support. Therefore, our treatments may be able to help you boost your immune system, which in return, may lessen your symptoms. 


Mental Fog Reduction

We should also note that Lyme has been known to cause mental fog, and by optimizing your nervous system function, you may be able to combat some of that.

At Premier Chiropractic Center, serving Bessemer, AL, and the neighboring region, we may be able to help you with chronic Lyme symptoms, even after you’ve completed an antibiotic regimen and still have symptoms. We offer various treatments that are all natural and target your symptoms without covering them up. Plus, our treatments might boost your immune system to reduce your suffering. 

Book an appointment to see how we can help you better manage your Lyme by contacting us at 205-519-4024 or using our online booking tool.