Your joints may hurt when you first wake up, and you might find it difficult to partake in the activities you once loved due to a limited range of mobility. Arthritis could even leave you in pain as you relax, and the pain could take the enjoyment out of the activities you love. Pain relievers can provide relief. But, if you want a natural treatment, chiropractic care is a better option. However, you may wonder if chiropractic care in Bessemer, AL, is safe for you since treatment consists of moving your joints. 

Our chiropractor from Premier Chiropractic Center has the answer!

Gentle Approach 

When Dr. Glover provides an alignment on a patient, he uses little force to move the bones. Since the force is gentle, your joints feel little to no discomfort during the process. Therefore, it typically doesn’t worsen your existing pain.  

Customized Treatments

Before you receive any treatment at Premier Chiropractic Center, you undergo a thorough medical history evaluation and physical examination. During this time, your chiropractor closely reviews your medical history to look for any conditions that could interfere with the safety of your treatment. 

You undergo a comprehensive physical to assess your range of motion. Often, your practitioner performs imaging to determine the severity of your arthritis as well. 

Your practitioner uses this information to formulate a treatment approach best suited for you and your condition. This also determines the pace of your exercises, so you don’t feel pain but reap the rewards. Stretches never extend further than you’re physically capable of moving the joint. They gradually increase your range of motion and gradually increase in difficulty as you progress, alleviating any unwanted discomfort. 

Has Few Known Side Effects 

In general, chiropractic care has few side effects and isn’t known to cause issues in most people. Moreover, Mayo Clinic doesn’t note arthritis as a condition that could affect the safety of chiropractic care. 

Some people may notice they have an increase in pain or fatigue after chiropractic adjustments. These issues subside within days after the treatment, though, and aren’t exclusive to those with arthritis. 

Can Stop Treatment at Any Time

If you experience any pain or discomfort, you can stop treatment at any time. The effects will wear off shortly after, especially since chiropractic isn’t known to cause any long-term complications.

On the contrary, when you take a medication, it remains in your system. Some effects of certain drugs are permanent and irreversible. 

Can Offer Treatments Besides Adjustments and Chiropractic Exercise 

This goes along the lines of the customizable approach chiropractors may use. Not all chiropractic care plans consist of adjustments or chiropractic exercises. Dr. Glover may recommend lifestyle changes, hot and cold therapy, or another modality if he deems these unsafe. 

Recommended by the Arthritis Foundation

If you still have concerns about safety, the fact that it’s recommended by the Arthritis Foundation may ease your mind. 

This organization noted multiple studies that conclude chiropractic care is safe and possibly effective at managing arthritis, even as a first-line approach.  

If you’re looking for a safe, non-invasive, non-addictive solution for arthritis pain relief, chiropractic care in Bessemer may be the solution for you. The treatment may help increase or at least maintain your current level of mobility and range of motion. Plus, our chiropractor custom-tailors the care plan to you.

Considering chiropractic care for arthritis? Contact Premier Chiropractic Center, serving Bessemer, AL, and the surrounding area, today at 205-519-4024 to determine if chiropractic care is right for you.