The discs in your back tend to change over time, causing a condition known as degenerative disc disease. Most commonly, the people who experience it are usually healthy, active people in their 30s and 40s, though people in their 20s may have signs of the condition on imaging. As the most common causes of back pain, it’s essential to know the symptoms, no matter your age, so you can get the appropriate treatment, possibly chiropractic care from Dr. Glover at Premier Chiropractic Center, serving Bessemer, AL. 


Neck Pain and Stiffness

Most often, degenerative disc occurs in the cervical spine, which is the part of your spine that runs through your neck. It may cause pain or stiffness. 

Degenerative disc disease in your neck could stem from the aging process. However, continuous poor posture throughout the years can play a role as well. 


Lower Back Pain or Stiffness

If the degenerative disc disease is in your back, you may experience pain or stiffness in that area. While it can naturally occur due to aging, the gradual wear and tear issue may stem from poor posture.  


Pain That Worsens When Sitting  

When you have degeneration in your lower back, you might notice that your pain worsens when you sit down. The pain will decrease as soon as you get up and become active again. 


Pain That Increases When You Bend, Lift, or Twist 

Since the discs in your back are weakened, you may notice issues when you twist, lift, or bend. This is especially the case if you have a job that requires you to perform these motions regularly. 


Muscle Spasms or Tension

The joints in your back move slightly, and you don’t even realize it. It’s known as micro-motions, and they can cause instabilities. Inflammation can occur, too. These issues can be quite painful. Not to mention, they can lead to intense pain. 

Pain When Standing for Prolonged Periods 

Sometimes, you’ll have pain when you stand for prolonged periods when you have this condition. Particularly, the discomfort will arise in your lower back. 


If degenerative disc disease affects the lower back, you could experience sciatica — a term that describes pain, numbness, tingling, and burning caused by damage or compression on your sciatic nerve. 


Pain That Lessens When You Shift Positions

Your pain may lessen when you change positions. You could also decrease your pain when you stretch your spine. In addition, you might notice the pain will reduce when you sit in a reclined position or lie down. 


Feel Spinal Instability 

As mentioned, your spine weakens when you have this issue. You may feel as though your spine can’t support your body weight well. On the other hand, you might notice moments when you feel like your spine locks up, and you can’t move like you usually do. 

Have a Herniated Disc 

A disc herniation occurs when a spinal disc’s shell tears. The contents of the disc may seep out the opening and irritate the surrounding nerves and soft tissue. This particular symptom occurs with degenerative disc disease because of the changes that happen to the discs as a result of the aging process. 


Have a Genetic Predisposition to Degenerative Disc Disease 

Degenerative disc disease runs in families. Therefore, if you have a mother, father, or grandparent with this condition, you’re more likely to develop it. 


Are Overweight 

Being overweight stresses your spine and makes you more prone to this issue. Therefore, if you’re overweight or obese, you could have this condition. 

If you have signs of degenerative disc disease, there’s help. Our chiropractor can determine if that’s the problem and find treatments, such as chiropractic adjustments, which can lessen your symptoms. 

Have signs of this condition? Contact Premier Chiropractic Center in Bessemer, AL, for an appointment today by calling 205-519-4024 or using our convenient online contact form