Exercise does the body good, no matter your age. As a general rule, Harvard Health Publishing, a website run by Harvard School of Medicine, states that you should complete a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day. Fifteen minutes of intense exercise daily could also satisfy these recommendations. No matter what physical activity you do, it’s essential to keep safety in mind, though. 


Listen to your Body

While you may have heard the song “Listen to Your Heart,” in the exercise world, it’s listening to your body. Your body notifies you of a problem when you experience pain. Therefore, if you’re participating in exercise or playing a sport, slow down, alter the activity, or switch physical activities when you experience more than a minor level of pain. Moreover, when you have ongoing pain, take it easy for a few days. 

Despite the popular saying, “No pain, no gain,” you can still reap the rewards of physical activity even if you aren’t in excruciating pain after each workout.  


Learn How to Perform the Exercises Properly 

Every exercise you perform, whether aerobic or anaerobic, requires you to execute it in a certain way. For one, you receive the optimal level of benefits from the motion. For two, you reduce your risk of an injury during the exercise. 

Although there are countless videos and articles online explaining the proper form and techniques for different exercises, your neighborhood chiropractor in Bessemer, AL, can provide you with accurate information on how to perform any exercise or sport properly. 


Perform Exercises on a Non-Slippery, Flat Surface 

You’ve probably heard of people racing up and down their steps for exercise. Although this will work your legs and provide you with other aerobic exercise benefits, it’s dangerous. You should always perform physical activities on a flat, non-slippery surface to prevent a fall.


Use Equipment Correctly 

Leave the creativity out of your workouts when you’re using the equipment. Learn how to use the items properly and always use them in that manner. 


Warm Up 

Whether you’re performing anaerobic or aerobic exercise, always warm up your muscles first. Essentially, you should stretch every muscle you’ll use during your workout. 

When you stretch your muscles, they’re more flexible during your exercise. Therefore, they’re less likely to move in a manner that could hurt you. You also prepare your entire body to get ready for physical movement, including your brain. Additionally, as your stretch and warm-up, you get your heart and lungs working harder to prepare for the exercise. 


Know What Exercises Are Safe for You

If you have certain health conditions or injuries, some exercises aren’t safe for you. Discuss physical activities with your practitioner to determine what you shouldn’t and should partake in and for how long. 


Visit a Chiropractor to Enhance Your Flexibility 

In addition to helping you when you’re in pain, chiropractors can also aid you in preventing injuries during physical activities. Your practitioner guides you through exercises to work your muscles and other soft tissues. As a result, you increase your strength and flexibility, which can aid in injury prevention. 


See a Chiropractor When You’re Hurt 

When you sustain an injury from exercise, sports, or any other personal injury, seek the assistance of a chiropractor to aid in the healing process. Your practitioner will be able to tell you when it’s safe to resume different activities and when. In addition, your chiropractor will provide you with treatment to speed up your recovery and ensure you regain as much flexion and function as possible. Plus, you’ll receive natural, at-home treatments to ease your pain when you’re not in the office. 

Lean on your local chiropractor in Bessemer, AL, if you want to enhance your sports or exercise performance or prevent an injury. At Premier Chiropractic Center, our practitioner offers non-medicated methods to manage pain and promote healing after an injury. 

Contact Premier Chiropractic Center, serving Bessemer, AL, and the surrounding region, today to discuss all of the services we provide to those who exercise regularly! Call us at 205-519-4024. We also have a convenient online form you can fill out.