Life is stressful in general at times. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed when life doesn’t go your way. Once the pandemic hit, it took stress up a notch in many people’s lives. Everything from going to work to running errands to spending time with friends and family changed. It doesn’t help that some people financially struggled and still continue to struggle. Fortunately, when you visit a chiropractor in Bessemer, AL, at Premier Chiropractic Center, you can take steps to manage your stress naturally, especially during these trying times. 


Take Time for You Each Day 

It’s simple to create a lengthy to-do list each day and remain so focused on completing each task that you forget to take a breather or a single minute for yourself. This is especially the case during the pandemic when your life has changed. However, this can increase your stress. 

As a general rule, you should make time for yourself each day — even if it’s only 15 minutes a day. “You” time is a few minutes of your time that’s spent not rushing around accomplishing goals. It could be time spent doing yoga or meditating. It might include doing a craft or another hobby that you enjoy. It doesn’t matter what the activity is; it just matters that you give your mind a rest. 


Try Deep Breathing

Try deep breathing exercises, even if you’re not feeling anxious. To do this, take a long breath and inhale through your nose. Exhale all that air completely. Imagine you’re getting rid of all of your frustrations and stress. 

Deep breathing, for one, helps refocus your mind away from your problems. You think about your breathing rather than your problems. Additionally, you’re increasing oxygen to your brain. 


Eat Better 

Have you ever heard the expression, “ You are what you eat?” It holds true in the sense that your diet impacts your health immensely. When you put junk into your body, you may feel tired. And a nutrient deficiency can even affect your mood and stress levels. A vitamin B6 deficiency, for example, can lead to heightened stress levels because B-complex vitamins help produce calming chemicals in the brain. 

Ideally, you should eat a diet rich in whole grains and fresh veggies and fruits. 


Lower Caffeine Intake 

You could be enhancing your anxiety every day you’re powering up for the day with a double-shot of espresso. 

One study showed that caffeine ingestion blocks adenosine, which is a chemical in your brain that causes you to feel tired. While it’s doing this, it is also known to enhance your energy levels. In normal amounts, it “wakes” people up. It also makes them feel as though they have the energy to function until the effects wear off. But, whenever you have too much caffeine, the effects are greater. 

As a general rule, you should limit your caffeine intake, especially before bed. 


Get Enough Sleep 

A lack of sleep can lead to anxiety and depression. When you have stress or anxiety, you may not sleep as soundly as you could or may wake up routinely throughout the night. As a result, it may make the initial stress or anxiety worse. This can become a vicious cycle. 


Visit a Chiropractor 

If back pain or other musculoskeletal pain is keeping you up at night and causing you to not get enough sleep, consider visiting a chiropractor. You could also benefit from a chiropractor if you have pain interfering with your daily life and making it difficult to do what you love. You should know that chiropractic care has the potential to relieve stress. 

We’d like you to know that we practice all COVID-19 precautions to keep you safe.

You can take various steps to reduce your stress. It may even help to visit a chiropractor regularly to promote sleep and better overall health. 

Book an appointment with Premier Chiropractic Center, serving Bessemer, AL, and the neighboring communities, to ease your stress during the pandemic by calling 205-519-4924. You may also use our online form