Not all patients are honest with their practitioners. Maybe, they worry that the practitioner will judge them or discriminate against them. On the other hand, they might fret that they’ll be due for a lecture or a potentially snide remark. 

Whatever the reason people fib to their doctors, you should know that your local Bessemer, AL, chiropractor at Premier Chiropractic Center wants honesty and strives to create an environment conducive to open communication and understanding. Primarily, your neighborhood chiropractor wants you to know you should always be honest to optimize your results and prevent complications.  


Pain Levels

You should never  intentionally exaggerate or under-exaggerate your pain levels. You should always be honest. Our practitioner can better serve you and diagnose your problem when we’re aware of the level of pain you experience. 

This is especially important whenever our practitioner works one-on-one with you and is asking you to stretch different body parts. Our chiropractor won’t know if a movement or a stretch’s intensity hurts without you telling us. This could lead you to injure, reinjure, or further injure the body part. Remember that pain is not a sign of weakness but part of your body’s alert system. 


Smoking Habits

We all understand the dangers of smoking and realize that some people smoke despite the warnings. Our chiropractor isn’t here to judge you for your lifestyle choice, and we know it’s hard to quit. 

Smoking hinders the healing process and can make certain procedures unsafe if we should happen to need to send you for a referral. We can ensure your safety and monitor you better when we’re aware of your smoking habits.  

Essentially, you should be upfront about any previous or current smoking so we can better tailor our services to your health. 


Drinking or Drug Use 

Our staff isn’t here to judge you on your lifestyle. Your drinking or drug use, though, can affect the healing process. It can also interfere with your treatment if we should happen to need to refer you to a specialist. Please be honest with us. 


How Much You Exercise/How Active You Are

Although the Mayo Clinic advises people to get at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise each week, we know that not all patients can squeeze this recommendation into their busy lives, nor do they want to.  

We can better help you heal when we know what your physical activity level is so we can advise you accordingly. We can also help get you back to being as active as you were before or even more so. 

All Symptoms

It’s easy to forget to tell a practitioner that you regularly feel your toes going numb, or it’s difficult to lift your arm over your head nowadays. These symptoms can affect what the diagnosis is. They can also alter the treatment approach right for you. That’s why you should list all your symptoms before you get to the office so you don’t forget any. 

Additionally, sometimes, a symptom may be embarrassing, such as urinary incontinence. Therefore, you’ll intentionally omit it. However, urinary incontinence occurs with certain musculoskeletal problems, and we can better assist when we know all the symptoms you’re facing as well as their severity. 


Extent of Mobility Issues

At Premier Chiropractic, our chiropractor in Bessemer, AL, has seen it all. We see everyone from the athletic to the ultra-unathletic. By letting us know how much your condition affects mobility, we can improve the situation, more so when we know the extent of the problem. 


Eating and Drinking Habits

While water is the healthiest choice to drink and you should eat three, well-balanced meals per day, we know that not everyone has the time or desire to eat and drink like this. 

By knowing the truth about your diet, we can help improve it. 

Our local Bessemer chiropractor, Dr. Glover, isn’t interested in dictating your life or shaking his head at your bad lifestyle habits. We want to better your life in any way possible, and that begins when we know the truth. 

Contact Premier Chiropractic Center, serving Bessemer, AL, and the nearby region, for assistance with any or all of your musculoskeletal problems. Call us at 205-519-4024 today.