Far too often, people associate hip pain with age. However, you can experience it even when you’re younger. You may wonder what you did to cause it or why it arose all of a sudden. By better understanding the possible causes, you can get a general idea of what’s triggering the pain and the best course of action. 

And fortunately, our chiropractor at Premier Chiropractic Center, serving Bessemer, AL, and the nearby region, can create a customized care plan for you and help you better manage your pain and possibly promote healing, depending on the circumstances. 


The hips are notorious for osteoarthritis. This is the wear-and-tear form of arthritis. So, if you walk a lot or play any sports or other physical activities that require you to be up and moving, you could develop this arthritis. 

Psoriatic and rheumatoid arthritis may both affect this joint as well. Rheumatoid arthritis tends to impact the smaller joints, such as those in the hand. However, it’s possible for it to target your hips. With this particular form of arthritis, your body’s immune system mistakes the synovium as a foreign invader as this tissue swells. The cartilage and bones may then become damaged as the immune system attacks the synovium, resulting in more pain. 

If you have psoriatic arthritis, it most often affects your hands, feet, knees, or back. But, with that said, it can attack other parts of the body, such as your hips. What happens with this form of arthritis is that the immune system goes after the healthy tissue in your joints because it mistakes it for a trespasser. It’s a form of arthritis that only those with psoriasis develop. While most people develop skin problems first, some experience joint and skin issues simultaneously upon the onset. 


Your tendons connect muscle to bones. When you overuse or strain a tendon, it’ll become inflamed. As a result, the tendon becomes swollen. You have a group of muscles in your hip known as the hip flexor. If you have tendonitis, this is the area that it’ll affect. 

This condition causes pain, especially when you move the area. 

Kickboxers and soccer players are most at risk for this repetitive stress injury. 


A hip is one joint in your body that has a bursa. These are fluid-filled sacs that prevent the muscles and tendons from rubbing on your bone. They’re found in the large joints of the body.

When you have this condition, you’ll experience pain at any time. The pain is triggered by specific motions. It can even happen in your sleep. Though pain doesn’t worsen with movement, it can make movement more difficult. Tenderness and swelling may arise as well. 

Bursitis is often a condition that happens with age. It’s more common in those over 60. 

How Premier Chiropractic Can Help 

The first part of your treatment starts with determining the cause of the problem. Often, we can diagnose it by gathering information about your medical history and asking you questions about the pain. It also helps to perform a physical examination and see for ourselves how you walk and your range of motion. Sometimes, imaging is necessary. 

The next step of the process is to create a treatment plan. It may consist of exercise therapy that works your hip muscles slowly. The stretches gradually increase in difficulty to promote healing. 

Our chiropractor may recommend lifestyle advice to help you better manage your pain. 

This is merely some of what we can do to help.

At Premier Chiropractic Center, serving Bessemer, AL, and the neighboring communities, our practitioner can help if you have hip pain for a number of reasons. No matter what your treatment consists of, you’ll receive one that gets to the root of your problem. 

Book an appointment by calling us at 205-519-4024. You can also use our online form.